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Brainnetome Toolkit

 Brainnetome fMRI Toolkit

The brainnetome fMRI toolkit (BRANT) contains a large selection of complex network measures in Matlab GUI. These measures are increasingly used to characterize structural and functional brain connectivity datasets. Several people (Kaibin Xu, Yafeng Zhan, Yong Liu and Tianzi Jiang) have contributed to the toolbox, and if you wish to contribute with a new function or set of functions, please visit: http://brant.brainnetome.org. Any suggestion/question, please contact Yong Liu, yliu@nlpr.ia.ac.cn

DiffusionKit: A light one-stop solution to Diffusion MR imaging data analysis

 DiffusionKit provides an all-in-one solution for researchers, particularly those who do not have solid background in mathematics or computer science.The entire pipeline includes the following functions: DICOM to NIFTI format conversion, eddy current correction, skull stripping, modeling for DTI and HARDI, fiber tracking, fiber statistics and ROI tracking based network construction and visualization for T1/DWI image and fibers. It should be noted that the toolkit can be used as a standalone image viewer for T1/DWI/DTI/HARDI images. Detail can be found at http://diffusion.brainnetome.org/. Any suggestions/questions please contact Dr. Nianming Zuo, nmzuo at nlpr.ia.ac.cn .

DTI Tracking System Version 1.0

DTI Tracking is an analysis tool for diffusion MRI brain imaging data, it implements several classic DTI data processing algorithm, such as tensor model reconstruction, diffusion attributes calculation, deterministic and probabilistic white matter tractography. DTI Tracking runs under windows XP/VISTA/7 operating system. You can download and use the program for free.

Brainnetome Atlas Version 1.0 

Brainnetome Atlas Viewer(V1.0) shows the anatomical connectivity-based parcellation results, including the MPM maps,probabilistic maps and both the anatomical and functional connectivity patterns, which have been developed in the teams of in Brainnetome Center, CASIA. They are based on the analysis of connectional architecture with in vivo multi-modal MRI data during the last 3 years. The Brainnetome Center at CASIA is home of the Brainnetome Atlas Viewer (V.10).
