Prof. Du's Lecture: Auditory-Motor Network in Speech Perception
Title: Auditory-Motor Network in Speech Perception
Speaker: 杜忆 研究员,中国科学院心理研究所
Chair: 蒋田仔 研究员,中国科学院自动化研究所
Time: 2017年11月13日,上午9:30-10:30
Venue: 智能化大厦三层第一会议室
Speaking and listening are intrinsically linked. However, how the auditory-motor network functions during speech perception and how it is modulated by age and training experience remain unclear. In this talk, I will present evidence from human fMRI studies revealing that the articulatory prediction-based encoding in the speech motor system excels the auditory encoding in auditory cortex in discriminating syllables masked by noise, and the auditory-motor integration facilitates speech perception only when the speech signals are degraded and uncertain. Moreover, I will show that this motor mechanism is maintained and becomes more critical in compensating dedifferentiated speech representations and declined speech in noise perception in older adults. Finally, I will demonstrate that long-term musical training benefits speech in noise perception, which may partially relate to sharpened phonological representations and strengthened auditory-motor network in driving speech recognition.
杜忆,女,中国科学院心理研究所研究员,博士生导师。2011年毕业于北京大学,获基础心理学博士学位,其博士论文获得2013年全国优秀博士学位论文;2012年至2015年先后在加拿大多伦多大学Rotman研究所和麦吉尔大学蒙特利尔神经病学研究所从事认知神经科学博士后研究;2016年入选中组部“青年千人计划”。杜忆研究员利用心理物理学方法和多种脑成像技术从事人类听觉与言语认知的脑机制研究,主要的研究兴趣包括:1)听觉注意机制;2)言语知觉的跨通道整合机制;3)言语知觉的毕生发展;和4)言语知觉的学习和神经调控可塑性。其研究成果以第一/通讯作者发表在Nature Communications、PNAS、Cerebral Cortex、Journal of Neuroscience和Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews等国际权威学术期刊。