Prof. Calhoun's Lecture: Maximizing information in brain imaging studies: data capture, prediction, dynamics, and data-fusion
Title: Maximizing information in brain imaging studies: data capture, prediction, dynamics, and data-fusion
Speaker: Prof. Vince D. Calhoun, University of New Mexico, USA
Chair: Prof. Jing Sui, Brainnetome Center, CASIA
Time: 09:00-10:00, June. 2, 2017
Venue: The 1st meeting room, 3rd floor of the Intelligence Building
The study of translational biomarkers in brain disorders is a very challenging and fruitful approach, which will empower a better understanding of healthy and diseased brains. In the past, studies of species like Brain imaging studies typically involve a relatively small number of experiments, each of which produce large amounts of noisy, high-dimensional data which are often analyzed in isolation or using relatively simple models. In this talk I will share our experience with approaches that can capture and aggregate large data sets, discuss some of the challenges and success in the use of brain imaging data to perform single-subject prediction of, e.g. disease, treatment outcome, or cognitive scores, and discuss several ways to mine available data to learn more about the brain including dynamic connectivity, data-fusion, and deep-learning. I will share results from a variety of studies and provide evidence that we can learn more from available data by approaching it in new ways.
Vince D Calhoun教授是美国科学促进协会AAAS、电气和电子工程师协会IEEE、美国医学与生物工程协会AIMBE、国际医学磁共振学会ISMRM 与美国神经心理药理学联盟ACNP 5个学会的会士(Fellow), 国际人脑成像图谱协会(OHBM)新任主席(chair-in-elect),美国新墨西哥大学杰出教授,the Mind Research Network 高级科学官。目前已发表500多篇peer-reviewed 期刊论文和550篇会议论文,google scholar索引大于30000次, H-index=87。作为一名拥有电子信息/生物医学交叉技术的科研先锋,Calhoun教授提出了多种基于数据驱动的脑影像分析方法,在业内具有广泛影响,其中包括fMRI的组间独立成分分析、全脑动态网络分析、影像基因组学的独立成分分析等等,引领了神经影像领域动态连接组分析的潮流。他研发的GIFT 软件被业内广泛用于fMRI的分析,独立下载次数超过20000次。
Vince D Calhoun 教授分别于1993年和1996年在美国约翰•霍普金斯大学获得生物医学工程专业和信息工程专业的双硕士,2002年于美国马里兰大学巴尔的摩县分校获得电气工程专业博士。之后进入康乃狄格州的Institute of Living工作并在耶鲁大学担任助理教授。2006年Calhoun 教授加入新墨西哥大学电子工程及计算机科学系和the Mind Research Network。Calhoun教授目前是IEEE 生物医学工程分会的主席团成员,2015和2016年度汤普森路透社全球最具影响力的100名高被引科学家,所获奖项包括2016年新墨西哥大学三年一度的Gardner-Zemke杰出教授称号、2015年ACNP杰出学者奖、2014年IEEE美国西南地区杰出教育家奖、2013年ISMRM课程教育优秀教师奖等。