| 题 目 (TITLE) : Multimodal,longitudinal study of psychotic disorders: homeostatic signaling to neural connectivity 讲座人 (SPEAKER): Akira Sawa, Professor, Departments of Psychiatry, Mental Health, Neuroscience, Pharmacology, Genetic Medicine, and Biomedical Engineering, Johns Hopkins University and Hospital 主持人(CHAIR) : 蒋田仔,研究员,中国科学院自动化研究所 时 间 (TIME) : 2024年8月8日,下午14:30-15:30 地 点 (VENUE) : 智能化大厦第二会议室 |
Dr. Sawa is a psychiatrist and neuroscientist. He started his Johns Hopkins career as a tenure-track faculty member in 2002. Since 2012, he has served as the Director and Innovation Chair of the Johns Hopkins Schizophrenia Center. The Center focuses on patient care, research, education and public outreach for psychotic disorders and severe mental disorders. Accordingly, Sawa’s goal is to integrate the frontline science with daily patient care in an effective manner. He has maintained federal center grants over the decade, leading multidisciplinary clinical/translational projects to address mechanistic questions for major mental illnesses, such as schizophrenia, mood disorders and Alzheimer’s disease, with a particular emphasis on early detection and early intervention of these conditions. He was elected as a fellow to the Association of American Physicians in 2020, and as an AAAS fellow in 2024. He has also served for multiple academic societies and clinical charities as an advisory board, council member, and fellow in the US and UK.