- [24.12.23]脑网络组系列讲座:Multimodal mapping and brain atlases in primates
- [24.12.23]第二届脑科学与人工智能前沿论坛
- [24.12.21]脑网络组系列讲座: AI数字孪生脑指导的精准神经调控
- [24.12.21]脑网络组系列讲座:Control Theoretic Analysis on Brain Networks: past, now and future
- [24.12.21]脑网络组系列讲座:Mapping the Mind: Brain Networks Reveal New Paths in Psychiatric Research
- [24.12.20]脑网络组系列讲座:Multimodal,longitudinal study of psychotic disorders: homeostatic signaling to neural connectivity
- [24.12.20]脑网络组系列讲座:Decoding Gene Function:Exploring their Significance in Biological Context
- [24.08.16]脑网络组系列讲座:神经精神病理学因子 NP-factor
- [24.08.16]脑网络组系列讲座:Overcoming Privacy-Utiltiy Trade-offs:Innovative Approaches in Gollaborative Genome-Wide Association Studies
- [24.08.16]脑网络组系列讲座:网络药理学与中医药研究
- [24.01.23]第一届脑图谱与人工智能前沿论坛
- [23.09.18]脑网络组系列讲座:Mesoscale functional organization of macaque cortex.
- [23.07.06]脑网络组系列讲座:听觉高熵响应:基于声音刺激的脑电节律解码与调控初探
- [23.05.31]脑网络组系列讲座:植入式光电神经调控与检测器件
- [23.04.24]脑网络组系列讲座: Using two-photon calcium imaging to study macaque visual cortex